Mohamed Bouazizi

Mohamed Bouazizi was a Tunisian street vendor who set himself on fire to complain about the government and his humiliation. Due to this, Arabian spring started and Ben Ali step down 14 January 2011 after 23 years in the power.

Bouazizi is called “the father of Arabian Spring” and in 2011 he received the Sàjarov award which recognised his role in the Arabian Spring.

Laura Paúl

Cairo’s Tahir Square

Cairo’s Tahir Square is packed with people who are praying with the threat of continued violence hanging in the air. More than 40 have died in a few days. Angry protesters are demanding a civilian government. It comes as a former Prime Minister in the Mubarak regime agrees to form a new cabinet, after Egypt’s ruling military council asked him to lead a national government.

Laura Paúl

Tunisian video


I’m the voice of the uprisers

I’m the right of the oppressed

They took away our rights and shut the door on us
What are they thinking? We are not afraid
I am the voice of the uprisers who are not afraid, our voice will not die
I am the voice of the uprisers who are not afraid, i am free and my word is free
Don’t forget the rights of our bread, don’t forget the igniter of this story/revolution (Mohammed Bouazizi)
I am the voice of the free, i am the voice of the uprisers, our voice will not die
I’m the voice of the uprisers who are not afraid
I’m the secret of the red rose (Tunisia), the people who felt and mourned for her for years and rose up with fire

These are the lyrics that Amel Mathlouthi sang on one of the manifestations against Ben Ali’s dictatorial regimen. In Tunisia, where the Arabian Spring began, Ben Ali has been the leader for 23 years.

With these words recaiming more freedom of expression and more dignity and food for the population, we can see the singer surrounded by a lot of people that is shouting for them to be heard by the government, but we can also see the respect of the people who is closer to her, because they want peace and they have also respect to the silence and the words of the others. This revolution hasn’t been a violent movement, it has been a hard reclaim to the governments and it has had very good effects in many countries. In Tunisia, acts like this one forced Ben Ali to run away of his country.

Beatriz Aparicio Vinacua


Muammar Gaddafi Death in Ambulance

Al Jazeera Muammar Gaddafi dead

This is the video which was sent by the rebels of Lybia which shows Gadafi’s death.
Gadafi was the leader of Libia, one of tje coutries which began a revolution to change his political situation.
The last 20th october, the convoy in which the Lybian leader was travelling, was machine-gunned from the air by planes of the NATO.
Injured man in the head and in a leg, but apparently superficially, Gadafi escaped with some of his bodyguards and managed to hide in a pipeline where little later it was captured by the rebels.
They recorded a video showing to the world last hours of life of the former leader of Lybia.
This was the form in which the Arabic spring demolished the leader of Libia and how this country began his way towards the democracy.


Laura Ortún

Arabian Spring in Tunez

It was the beginning of a worldwide revolution that would be extended during 2011 to the rest of Arabian countries. In just one year, four dictatorial leaders in this kind of countries have been deposed.

This video found in Youtube, express perfectly the feelings of the Tunisian population and shows the real problems that caused the first revolution movements.

The unemployment, the expensive prices of the food, the political corruption, the political repression, the lack of freedom of speech, the censure… caused the desperation of a whole country and the suicide of a young man whose decision would change the opinion of the Arabian population about their leaders, their policy and their society. They want freedom and they are showing to the rest of the world that they can change and they have the power to decide. It is the population who is going to decide for the first time who is going to form their Government and who is going to represent their wishes and hopes.

All the Arabian World is about to begin changing and the Occidental World is going to be just one more spectator, the Arabian population has made the decision not to be controlled anymore.

Beatriz Aparicio Vinacua

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